Local Links

Hartlepool’s local offer contains information and support available across Hartlepool, in addition their search tool allows you to search for support groups and charities that may be relevant to you.

Hartlepool SENDIASS

Hartlepool Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service (SEND IASS) is a free, impartial and confidential service.

01429 284876 or leave a answer message or a text to: 07776 491662

Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5:00pm.  Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm (all year round)

Visit their website at www.hartlepoolsendiass.co.uk

NHS Tees Valley CCG

Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) commission most of the hospital and community NHS services in the local areas for which they are responsible.

Commissioning involves deciding what services are needed for diverse local populations, and ensuring that they are provided.

CCGs are assured by NHS England, which retains responsibility for commissioning primary care services such as GP and dental services, as well as some specialised hospital services. Many GP services are now co-commissioned with CCGs.

All GP practices now belong to a CCG, but CCGs also include other health professionals, such as nurses.

Services CCGs commission include:

most planned hospital care

rehabilitative care

urgent and emergency care (including out-of-hours)

most community health services

mental health and learning disability services.

Visit their website at www.teesvalleyccg.nhs.uk

Hartlepool Carers

At Hartlepool Carers we provide support for people who look after others. That doesn’t mean professional or paid carers. We support people who care for their husband, wife, mam, dad, son, daughter, sibling, friend or other relative. We offer information, advice and guidance to carers in and around Hartlepool – and it’s all confidential, non-judgemental and impartial. Hartlepool Carers are the “centre-point” for carers in the town, assisting directly and linking people with other organisations when more appropriate, to ensure every carer gets the support they require.

Carers provide support to loved ones, who have long term illnesses, disabilities, mental health and to individuals who misuse substances, without their support they would be unable to manage to live independently within our community.

Visit their website at www.hartlepoolcarers.org.uk

Families First North East

We believe that everyone of all ages, regardless of ability or additional need, should be afforded the same life opportunities. 

All of the projects and services we offer, all aim towards making the world a much fairer place for those with additional needs, autism and disabilities.

Visit their website at www.hartlepoolfamiliesfirst.org.uk

Become part of our Parent Carer Forum

About 1 Hart. 1 Mind. 1 Future.

1 Hart, 1 Mind, 1 Future, Hartlepool’s’ Parent Carer Forum, provides a central voice for Parents and Carers of children and young adults with SEN / complex learning / medical needs and disabilities.


01429 283095

19a Lowthian Road, Hartlepool

1 Hart, 1 Mind, 1 Future 2021 All rights reserved

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